ProSoft Technology 主要致力於提供工業通訊解決方案,在各種不同性質的自動化產品之間實現自由通信。ProSoft Technology所做的一切,無論是產品研發還是產品服務,都將質量放在首位。與其它公司不同,ProSoft Technology不僅僅銷售產品,還銷售經過售前測試和現場驗證的解決方案。
ProSoft Technology的目標是從售前到產品整個應用生命週期中為客戶提供支持。ProSoft Technology以終端用戶為中心開發出優質產品,為客戶推出全方位的網路解決方案,打造備受推崇的品牌意識,並提供行業領先的技術支持。

ProSoft Technology全系列產品型號及功能介紹:

ProLinx (PL30)
PLX31-EIP-SIE EtherNet/IP to Siemens Industrial Ethernet Communication Gateway
PLX32-EIP-PND EtherNet/IP to PROFINET Device Gateway for Dual Subnets
PLX32-EIP-SIE Ethernet IP to Siemens Industrial Ethernet Gateway for Dual Subnets
PLX32-MBTCP-PND Modbus TCP/IP Client/Server to PROFINET Device Gateway for dual subnets
PLX32-MBTCP-SIE Modbus TCP to Siemens Industrial Ethernet Gateway for Dual Subnets
ProLinx (PL50)
ProLinx (PL80)
ProLinx (Aparian)
A-DNTR DeviceNet Router Module
A-PAL/B PROFIBUS PA Master to EtherNet/IP / Modbus Linking Device
A-TSM/B EtherNet/IP Time Synchronization
A-XGPS EtherNet/IP External GPS gateway
FieldServer Technologies
Quest Technical Solutions
AN-X-AMX EtherNet/IP to Reliance AutoMax DCSNet or Remote I/O
AN-X-PB EtherNet/IP to Profibus Multi-Slave or Profibus Network Analyzer
AN-X-TI EtherNet/IP to TI500/505 – Master
Western Reserve Controls
In-Chassis (Rockwell)


ILX69-PBM PROFIBUS DPV1 Master for CompactLogix
ILX69-PBS PROFIBUS DPV1 Slave for CompactLogix
MVI69E-GEC Generic ASCII Ethernet Enhanced Communication Module
MVI69E-GSC Generic ASCII Serial Enhanced Communication Module
MVI69E-MBS Modbus Master/Slave Enhanced Serial Communication Module
MVI69L-MBS Modbus Serial Lite Communication Module
ControlLogix (MV56E)

MVI56E-61850C IEC 61850 Client Communication Module for ControlLogix
MVI56E-FLN JEMA FA Control Network Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-GEC Generic ASCII Ethernet Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-GSC Generic ASCII Serial Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-GSCXT Generic ASCII Serial Communication Module, eXTreme Temp
MVI56E-MCM Modbus Master/Slave Serial Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-MCMR Modbus Master/Slave for Remote Chassis Serial Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-MCMXT Modbus Master/Slave Serial Enhanced Communication Module, eXTreme Temp
MVI56E-MNET Modbus TCP/IP Master/Slave Enhanced Communication Module
MVI56E-MNETC ModbusTCP/IP Enhanced Communication Module- Client/Server
MVI56E-MNETCR Modbus TCP/IP Master/Slave Enhanced Comm. Module in Remote Chassis-Client Only
MVI56E-MNETCXT Multi Client/Server Enhanced Network Interface Module for ControlLogix XT
MVI56E-MNETR Modbus TCP/IP Master/Slave Enhanced Communication Module in Remote Chassis
MVI56E-MNETXT Modbus TCP/IP Master/Slave Enhanced Communication Module, eXTreme Temp
MVI56E-SIE Siemens Industrial Ethernet Communication Module
ControlLogix (LX56)
ILX56-PBM Enhanced PROFIBUS DPV1 Master/Slave for ControlLogix
ILX56-PBS Enhanced PROFIBUS DPV1 Multi-Slave for ControlLogix
ControlLogix (CLX)
LX-APACS Moore APACS I/O Network Module – Scanner
Point I/O

ILX34-MBS232 RS232 Modbus Serial Module for CompactLogix L1 and Point I/O Adapters
ILX34-MBS485 RS485/422 Modbus Serial Module for CompactLogix L1 and Point I/O Adapters
LDMDEVKIT Linux Development Module Development Kit